COVID-19 Reminder

David KitchinerNews

As our season is now underway, and league hockey is due to resume shortly, it seems an opportune time to remind all members and parents of the need to observe COVID-19 restrictions at all times. We are fortunate that hockey, along with other organised sporting activities, is an approved exception from the latest restrictions but that does not mean we … Read More

Greetings from the President

David KitchinerNews

Hi Everyone, I would comment firstly that I am deeply flattered by the request to be your President especially in the very sad circumstances which led to the vacancy and the challenges in following Spencer. As we start the incoming season following what has been, and continues to be, an extremely unprecedented year for us all, I would encourage all … Read More

Membership Renewal

Sally DaltonNews

Membership renewal opens on the club website on the 1st September (not before!). If you registered last season you should get an automatic reminder.  If you are a new member this season you can sign up on the website homepage by clicking on ‘Sign Up’ in the top right hand corner. Via the website you are able to pay for the … Read More

COVID-19 Step 4

David KitchinerNews

With effect from 7pm on Thursday, 20th August, Chelmsford HC will move to Step 4 of England Hockey’s Return to Play plan. To find out what this means, what members must do and to learn of important changes to our pitch booking system, please follow the COVID-19 Guidelines link on the About Us menu.

Complete Covid Form!

David KitchinerNews

Further to our announcement earlier in the week that the CHC management committee is currently reviewing England Hockey guidance before we can move to Stage 4 of the EH Return to Play plan, we are able to confirm that we have started addressing the risk mitigations required by EH. One of the key prerequisites for Stage 4 compliance is for … Read More

COVID-19 update

David KitchinerNews

Some members may be aware of England Hockey’s recent announcement that they have obtained Government agreement for their plan for hockey to move from Stage 2 to Stage 4 of EH’s Return to Play plan announced earlier this summer. This plan includes provision for training and playing in groups of up to 30 and is a natural step in our … Read More

August Junior Camp!

Sally DaltonEvents, News

Junior Hockey Camp – Led by former England Hockey captain and double Olympian, Glenn Kirkham August Wed 26th and Thurs 27th Sessions are 3 hours long and run from 9am-12 and 1-4pm £25 per session Open for children going into years 2 and upwards Sessions for children going into years 2 and 3 are only running in the mornings. Sessions for … Read More

New Hockey Heroes! 19/9/20

Sally DaltonEvents, News

Sign up for our new Hockey Heroes course starting on 19th September! Click here to find out more details. Make sure you sign up as soon as you can to ensure you get your sticks and t-shirt in time for the course! If you know all about it already and want to go straight to the sign up page then … Read More

Pitch Bookings Extended

David KitchinerNews

The current exceptional pitch-booking process has been extended until Monday, 31st August for provisional bookings from club members. The reason bookings for this period are accepted on a provisional basis, and may be subject to change and/or cancellation at short notice, is that we are expecting an announcement shortly from England Hockey regarding the next steps for a return to … Read More