Dick Goode

David KitchinerNews

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Dick Goode, a club Vice-president, former 1st XI player, 2nd XI coach, club kit manager, newsletter editor and holder of a number of other club volunteer positions over the years. “Goodey”, as he was known to most of his friends, was very much an “old school” club hockey player, … Read More

AGM Documents and Details

David KitchinerEvents

As previously advised, Wednesday’s AGM will be held online, starting at 7:30pm. We shall be using Zoom to facilitate this and any club members wishing to attend should email the acting Secretary, James Stock, on pitchbookings@chelmsfordhc.org.uk for meeting details and copies of the Hon. Treasurer’s report and 2020/21 club accounts. All other AGM documents may be downloaded below.

Notice of 2021 AGM

David KitchinerEvents

Following the success of last year’s inaugural online AGM, and ongoing uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 restrictions after 21st June, we have again decided to hold this year’s AGM online. The well-being of our members is of paramount importance. We apologise to members without access to computing equipment but hope that the majority of members do have access and are now more … Read More

WhatsApp Usage Policy

David KitchinerNews

A recent report of a Safeguarding concern has highlighted risks in the usage of the WhatsApp messaging tool within Chelmsford Hockey Club and a gap in our own Safeguarding policies. While we wish to reassure all members and parents that this report was not related to any specific Safeguarding incident, and we have no reason to suspect that the tool … Read More

Step 5 of Return to Play

David KitchinerNews

Following the announcement that the UK have moved to Step 3 of the Government Roadmap, England Hockey have confirmed that from Monday, 17th May we have moved to Step 5 of the Return to Play roadmap – Step 5; Full competitive match play, leagues and competitions resume. This news means that EH’s revised Championships offer will go ahead as planned and league play-offs, where undecided, can … Read More

Return to Play Confirmed

David KitchinerNews

England Hockey have recently confirmed arrangements for Return to Play from Monday, 29th March. Only fun, friendly and local activity. Follow Step 4 of EH Roadmap i.e. the guidance that we followed for the first half of the season but without competitive hockey matches. Details here. Training and matches can resume as long as all guidance is in place. Groups … Read More

Clubhouse Improvements

David KitchinerNews

Chelmsford Sports Club has decided to take advantage of the COVID-19 restrictions by making some improvements to the Chelmer Park clubhouse, and work is already underway renovating the toilets and decorating the clubhouse bar and lounge area. The current toilets have remained largely unchanged since Chelmsford Cricket Club and the two Chelmsford Hockey Clubs moved to Chelmer Park circa fifty … Read More

Return to Play from 29 March

David KitchinerNews

Many of you have heard by now that COVID-19 restrictions are being eased by the government and that outdoor team sports can recommence from Monday, 29th March. While that’s great news for hockey, all members should be aware that many of the details of what that means are not yet known, and any plans for the future may have to … Read More

Lockdown #3 Interim Update

David KitchinerNews

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday, 4th January of a third national lockdown commencing with immediate effect, we are currently awaiting formal clarification from England Hockey on exactly what the permitted activities are, if any. We shall provide further updates as information becomes available. In the meantime, the interim guidance from England Hockey is that all hockey activity must … Read More

Updated Tier 4 Guidance

David KitchinerNews

Following a meeting between England Hockey and clubs on Monday, 21st December to clarify the Prime Minister’s recent announcement that, with effect from Sunday, 20th December, Chelmsford will be one of many areas moving to COVID-19 Tier 4, we are pleased to inform you that the detailed government guidance indicates that some hockey activity may take place, but subject to … Read More