As our season is now underway, and league hockey is due to resume shortly, it seems an opportune time to remind all members and parents of the need to observe COVID-19 restrictions at all times.
We are fortunate that hockey, along with other organised sporting activities, is an approved exception from the latest restrictions but that does not mean we can relax. We may well be forced to suspend activities again due to circumstances beyond our control but it would a huge shame if we were forced to curtail activities due to the actions of some of our own, or other hockey clubs’, players.
England Hockey’s latest FAQs update available here provides clarification on some of the recent changes announced, including how the new Rule of 6 affects hockey, and also includes some useful advice for teachers and NHS workers. However, most of the advice remains the same and it is vital for everybody’s safety, and continued hockey participation, that we all observe the rules – no exceptions. All participants have agreed, in writing, to observe the restrictions and abide by the code of conduct but, if you’re unsure about your responsibilities, please check our COVID-19 page or speak to your team captain or coach.
Regrettably, we have received complaints recently of some members ignoring even the most basic social distancing guidelines at training sessions and matches. While such behaviour reflects poorly on both the individuals concerned and our club, the most important consideration is that, if it continues, it is only a matter of time before hockey activities are suspended once more or, worse, somebody’s health is affected with possibly more serious consequences. Simply put, it is unacceptable.
We would like to remind all members and parents that our priority is the safety of all participants, their families and friends. Your management committee, team captains and coaches are working hard to provide a safe hockey environment for you. We don’t feel it is too much to ask members and parents to respect the restrictions and those trying to implement them. If we feel that some groups or individuals are not playing their part, we shall not hesitate to take action against those concerned for the safety of the vast majority of others.
If you have concerns that COVID-19 restrictions are being ignored by some then please raise the matter, in the first instance, with your team captain or coach who may be able to take immediate action to address the issue. If that fails, or you have other concerns, please speak to a member of the management committee.
I sincerely hope that we can continue to enjoy our sport while staying safe, and thank you all for your anticipated cooperation and understanding through these challenging times.
Chairman, Chelmsford HC