500 Club

1st October 2001 saw the relaunch of the Chelmsford Hockey Club 200 Club, under the expert guidance of Peter Woodward. The Club ran successfully until March 2003 when, driven by the need to raise additional funds for the new Chelmer Park developments, it evolved into a 500 Club.

All Club members can benefit from having a successful 500 Club. The members can win super cash prizes and the Club can make money to help with general running expenses, and especially helping the mini, junior, and youth hockey.

The new 500 Club, costing £5.00 per month, was relaunched from March 2003. The draws take place on the last Saturday of each month, with special quarterly bonus prizes in May, August, November and February. All Prize winners will be notified and their names will be posted on this page.

As of April 2007, Janet Sutton took over the 500 Club from Peter Woodward. The club would like to thank Peter for all his fund raising efforts.

Please encourage your friends and relatives to join. Download a Standing Order Mandate form here and pass it on to Janet Sutton. Janet’s details are on the Contacts and Officials page.

If you would prefer you can now pay monthly, quarterly or annually – select which option you require on the standing order mandate. If you would like to change from monthly to either of the other methods of payment. Please fill out a new mandate form and send to Janet Sutton.

The prize money will be:- (pro rata per month’s members)

First prize 15%
Second prize 10%
Third prize 5%
Fourth prize 4 x 2.5%

Quarterly prizes in May, August, November and February and a Christmas Bonus