Unauthorised use of facilities

David KitchinerNews

Regrettably, it has come to the Management Committee’s attention that there has been some unauthorised use of our facilities in recent weeks. The first incident related to a complaint received that our pitch was being used at a time when all sporting activities were supposedly suspended. This required us to place an additional padlock on the pitch gates.

Secondly, we have received reports that the buildings are being used for some unknown purpose, including use of shower and toilet facilities. This risks contamination of the building fixtures and fittings and makes it difficult for us to ensure that the facilities are clean and safe for all to use when we return to normal activity. Worse, the building alarm has been left unset leaving us vulnerable to break-in.

What is particularly disappointing is that the perpetrators in both instances are obviously key holders and, therefore, in a position of trust and responsibility. We are currently conducting an investigation to identify the individuals concerned.

We understand that the vast majority of our members are aware of the seriousness of the situation regarding COVID-19 and continue to act in a socially responsible manner. We also understand that many of our members are keen to resume hockey activity as soon as possible but are exercising great restraint. It is a pity that we are being undermined by the actions of an irresponsible minority. We request all members to please respect the COVID-19 guidelines and advice and directives from the government, England Hockey and CHC Management Committee.

We are in the process of finalising plans for a tentative return to some hockey activity and hope that members may be able to benefit from this within a few days, but incidents like this do not help any of us.

David Kitchiner